No Clue
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No Clue
Player reviews
Нам очень понравилось???? Классно провели время, поработали головой и совместно решили все задания и пришли к выходу, Побег из банка прошли .
Oli väga huvitav, huvitavad lahendused asjadele, nalja sai palju, soovitan väga minna.
Piisas igati algset saadud infost.Tuli olla loov ja tähelepanelik. kuulata algset infot mis saime alustades.
Great experience. Immersive and with a perfect atmosphere. For fans of the Harry Potter saga, this room will not disappoint. The room is probably suited to a medium size team. As a couple, we tend to take longer than usual to solve a room, and this was no exception. The atmosphere adds to the challenge. It is dark, mysterious... and finding all the clues in the dark is a good part of the challenge. You better keep your eyes peeled, because there are many things hidden in dark places! You think you have found everything? Look again. The room is beautifully decorated, full of small details, and you never know which ones will turn out to be significant. Most of the puzzles flowed really well with the story. A couple were less intuitive and had us stumped, but our game host was very kind and steered us in the right direction. One of the nicest experiences we have had with escape rooms. I would definitely recommend it. Thank you for a great time!
Oli vahva seiklus. Ülesanded olid põnevad, aga õnneks jõukohased. Järgmisel korral proovime juba kõrgemat raskustaset.
An interesting challenge, suitable for a medium size group of players. As a couple we struggled with the number of tasks, but the room also offered more than one way to solve the puzzles, and allowed for some shortcuts or trial and error methods that were very handy for a small group of players. A good difficulty level for beginners like us. We look forward to the next challenge.
Хороший квест. Время пролетит быстро , но довольно интересно. Персонал хороший , отдельное спасибо !
Väga hea tehnika kasutamine. Suurepärane tuba algajatele ning hea suurus umbes neljaliikmeline grupp.
Great game! I have played a lot of games, and this one still managed to offer unique experiences. The game was logical, challenging and tons of fun. The environment was very well built. Definetely a lot of value for the money.
Kui koht leitud, siis edasi läks juba sujuvalt :) Võlurite tuba oli põnev ja sobis ka noortele Potteri fännidele. Juhendaja oli abivalmis ja kõigil oli lõbus.
It was very fun. This room is perfect for Harry Potter fans. The host was very friendly and helped us when we needed it. This room should be interesting for everyone.
super äge, väga palju on vaeva nähtud ning ülesanded on huvitavad. soovitan täiega. NB! toa läbi läbimiseks ei pea olema über fänn ning samuti ei ole see ainult lastele.
На день рождения сына ,посетили квест про Гарри Поттера .Дети были от 9до13 лет.Понравилось всем,даже маме)))
Hästi tore ja vahva oli; osad ülesanded olid ikka veidi rasked ka, aga saime koos sõbrannadega hakkama!
Kõik meeldis, lapsed said ka hakkama ja oli väga lõbus. Kindlasti tuleme veel teise tuba ka avastama.