все понравилось .страшно мы орали,но все можно контролировать. было сложновато ,но главное командная работа 5 из 5.
Мало механики, много компьютера. Ощущение, что авторы немного поленились, придумывая комнату. Первая часть лучше.
Tore kogemus! Soovitame koos sõpradega seda kindlasti proovima minna! Sobib hästi teismelistele ! Hea vaheldus näiteks sünnipäeva pidamiseks! :)
Väga lahe kogemus. Vajalik lahtiste silmadega ringi vaadata ja rahulikult otsida väljapääsu. Soovitan soojalt
Tuba oli huvitav ja väljakutseid pakkuv. Natuke erinev teistest tubadest kus ma olen käinud. Parim tuba, kus olen siiani käinud.
Мне и друзьям квест понравился, в принципе ничего сложного, самое главное это командная работа.5из5.
Sõpradele super, et ennast proovile panna! Iga tuba sisaldab erinevat ülesannet ning paras adrenaliinilaks ????????
Käisime lastega , oli suht keeruline. Ostsime aja juurde , kuna ei jõudnu õigel välja. Kuid saime 152 koha 430:)
We were 4 guys. It Is very surprising that how all these tehnologys were made. All these buttons, tasks and other stuffs. It absolutely shows how much work there Is put in The room.
Excelently done. Very interesting unusual puzles. Amazing use of technology. Not enoyingly hard but hard enough to be very satisfying when you figure it out. Amazingly realisticly built decorations end mechanisms. You feel like you realy are in some sort of adventure movie and you has to solve ridles to get further to unweel the mistery. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
The game was so fantastic, technology were very good and high tech. The puzzles was so good and the room were on the logic, not on the searching something. I would say that this room was one of the kind, so advanced and so well thought out that I was surprised and so satisfied. One of the best room I have ever been in. And the owner was so good and cool, I think every one, who is searching for adventures, need to go there and visit this place. In the end- it was excellent.
This was a fantastic expiriance to enjoy scarines and puzzles, to stand in front of your fears. Love that place for creativity and well designed rooms. Earned new experience and simplynes in same time, excellent place for some new experience. Recomended for everyone who is ready to step in new level.
Праздновали здесь день рождения сына. Детям 12 лет очень понравилось! Сказали только, что мало ???? Спасибо большое!
Väga vinge ning vahva põgenemistuba! Soovitan väga! Piisavalt pōnev ja loogiline. Sõbralik personal ja kohutavalt lahedad kostüümid!