Search and book outdoor aktivity in Velká Británie on Nowescape

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Velká Británie - Nedávné recenze únikových místností

Isabelle L.
12 November 2018

Great fun, great host!! Fab start to the evening

Mehal S.
11 November 2018

Really great experience, needs a little modernisation but enjoyed the puzzles. Required really strong communication skills but we managed to escape with 7 seconds to spare.

Jim J.
10 November 2018

A great enjoyable hour. We had never tried an escape room before and took a while to get an understanding, but whizzed through towards the end. Another 5 or so minutes and we'd have probably solved everything. Gabriel was great and helpful (but not too helpful). Finding things and solving challenging problems added to the enjoyment.

10 November 2018

My wife and I have done a lot of room escapes. This was by far the best, most fun and creative room we have ever done! The interactivity, story and commitment by our excellent host Wynn (Bill) was second to none! Go there immediately and play Poppa Plonk’s Wonky Workshop!!!

Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - The Depot (Room 1), Islington
Úniková hra
Poppa Plock's Wonky Works...
Gareth B.
10 November 2018

family enjoyed the experience. Host was great

Lucia F.
09 November 2018

Good fun escape room with a really unique theme.

Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - The Depot (Room 1), Islington
Úniková hra
Poppa Plock's Wonky Works...
Pascual Q.
07 November 2018

wonferful! very fun. The actress who intruduced to the game was marvellous!

06 November 2018

Great fun for adults and teenagers alike.

Richard S.
06 November 2018

This wasn't our kind of escape room, we didn't blend well with it.

Da Vinci
Úniková hra
Da Vinci
Richard S.
06 November 2018

Really clever escape room, we loved it!

04 November 2018

We had a lot of fun and it was atmospheric

Karen S.
03 November 2018

We weren't sure what to expect at our first escape room, we were also a team of two and worried that wasn't enough people- but it was great! The whole experience exceeded our expectations- our host Gabriel really added to it, the room was well designed and it was tough but not too tough-

Loved every minute of it!

Sally V.
02 November 2018

We were funny, enjoyed the hour on the room. The guy (I forgot to ask the name) was very funny and helpful with us. We loved that day (Halloween night) and the experience and I recommend this place to everyone who wants to try a escape room.

Úniková hra
Mai P.
01 November 2018

Lots of fun!

Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - The Depot (Room 2), Islington
Úniková hra
Poppa Plock's Wonky Works...
Adrien D.
31 October 2018

Lots of fun for a first experience. Can't compare with other experiences since it was a first. It was difficult for a first experience, but great fun (especially around Halloween;)).

Velká Británie - Mapa outdoor aktivity


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