The Mystery Challenge
60 min | |
1 - 6 mängijat | |
Maksa internetis
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Challenge Chambers

Amer Ziad, a successful Investment Banker was found dead in his office. Police investigation revealed a suicide note on his desk thus Amer’s death was ruled as a Suicide. Amer was your brother. You knew Amer very well and cannot imagine that he could commit suicide. Now it is up to you to unravel the Truth!
You have ONE HOUR as the Police Alarm will trigger as soon as you enter the office!
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The Mystery Challenge
Hazza Bin Zayed St - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi,
Abu Dhabi,
Araabia Ühendemiraadid
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Külalised vanuses 10 ja vanemad saavad osaleda.