Otsi ja broneeri laste mängutubasid Eesti Nowescapes

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Hiljutised hinnangud laste mängutubadele Eesti

Juho J.
20 jaanuar 2017

Very nice experience, the only downside was that one of the flashlights we were given stopped working after 15 minutes.

18 jaanuar 2017

It was our first time playing escape game. But i had heard from other people what it is about, so it didnt take us long to get going. This game was really fun, really clever use of tech and great ideas. We did it in 51 minutes and we didnt even push it but took our time to enjoy. As we were firsttimers, we got 2 hints from observer when she felt that we may be lost. To be honest, we probably were not yet - perhaps she could have given us minute or two more time to puzzle these things out. But no worries - overall experience was great anyway. As a beginner, i liked that there were almost no useless things lying around, almost everything had its purpose, all we had to do is figuring it out. If there had been more clutter around, we might have been in more trouble. Looking forward to our next visit!

Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

The most challenging Escape Room that I visited. We were 4 people with 2 being for the first time in an Escape Room, so it was not enough brain power I guess. But 5-6 people with some experience can crack it. Good luck!

Abandoned Factory
Abandoned Factory
Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

One of the first rooms we did in Tallinn. Great atmosphere and great fun! Some interesting use of space and of course the decoration.

Prison Break
Prison Break
Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

The room is quite simple from one point, but also very interesting to tease your brain! The use of space is great & we really enjoyed the riddles.

Tormine Ookean
Tormine Ookean
Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

So far my favorite in Tallinn! Been there yesterday - set a record of 41 minutes. But the room really made us feel part of the movie, being scared for our lives & having lots of unexpected moments. The shokkin group team enjoyed it very much!

Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

I loved this room! A bit challenging & lots fun!

Pavel V.
18 jaanuar 2017

Not the best room in the company, but other rooms at the place are very nice!

Homer Voorhees
Homer Voorhees
Mihkel S.
18 jaanuar 2017

Challenging, tougher than me, loved it! Be calm, keep your eyes open and you might make it :)

Abandoned Factory
Abandoned Factory
Maido L.
17 jaanuar 2017

Liked it a lot. The tasks were interesting and the puzzles difficult enough. Great service as well!

Prison Break
Prison Break
Roger K.
13 jaanuar 2017

Way too hard it seems to me

Abandoned Factory
Abandoned Factory
12 jaanuar 2017

Me and my girlfriend played "Baker street, 221 B". We have a substantial escape room background and we really enjoyed this escape room. It is really good! We finished it for 49 minutes without any hints. Everything was clear. Some moments surprised us because it was the first time we saw it! And yes, we got a feeling that we were in Sherlok's apartments.

12 jaanuar 2017

We where in two different escape room about Sherlock in Tallinn, this one was good

12 jaanuar 2017

We where in two different escape room about Sherlock in Tallinn, this one wasn't good

Karoliina J.
10 jaanuar 2017

Ruum oli kolme tärni kohta piisavalt keerukas :D Meeldis väga ja soovitan kõigile:D


Otsi laste mängutubasid

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Kaart laste mängutubade Eesti

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