Otsi ja broneeri seikluseid õues Eesti Nowescapes

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Hiljutised hinnangud escape games Eesti

Raitis T.
19 august 2023

Лучше если не больше 3 человек. Вообще интересно, задания разные - поиск, на логику, плюс немного математики. Рекомендуем

Vivian T.
19 august 2023

Erinevalt Alice'i põgenemistoast nõuab see loomingulisuse asemel rohkem loogilist mõtlemist. Oli lõbus, mitte liiga raske. Töötaja oli väga abivalmis ja sõbralik. Klaustrofoobikutele ning merehaigetele võib tekitada ebameeldivust.

18 august 2023

Interestingly done challenges. Loved the theme and the fact that you can finish the game via several means.

Nikita H.
18 august 2023

Fun and cozy experience that is themed around Harry Potter. Both who know the books and who don't will enjoy this.

Eva-Maria P.
13 august 2023

Wasn't too difficult, still fun with friends. Some sounds too loud, overall feel was like being part of wonderland. Fun new puzzles.

Kersti P.
13 august 2023

Very exciting and high-quality game. I especially liked that the game required creativity. It was my first time, so I was a bit stuck on time. I kinda regret making this as my first game. I would really like to go there again with a clean slate.

12 august 2023

Really good place for having good time. When you go there you need to have clear head so you will think beyond edges and have fun

09 august 2023

Были семьей, родители и дети (12 и 8 лет). Очень понравилось и детям и родителям. Интересно, что много комнат, классное оформление. Пришлось пользоваться подсказками. Спасибо богам, помогали очень здорово.

Anastassia T.
07 august 2023

Детям все очень понравилось. Справились самостоятельно без помощи взрослых. Придем еще на другие квесты тоже!

Julia E.
07 august 2023

Очень интересно и захватывающе. Будьте внимательны, детали в мелочах))) Включайте логику и мышление!

06 august 2023

Очень интересный квест. Нужно быть внимательным к мелочам. Мы ходили парой, но успешнее и быстрее можно пройти квест, если играет более двух человек.

05 august 2023

On our Daughter's 12th Birthday we have decided to try something new, and The Trail of Alice Our First time experience with the quest rooms. We did not know what to expect and children were "scared" a bit, but as soon as we started playing, we have completely submerged in the game and all the family enjoyed it very much. Better than going to the cinema, very active, interactive, excellent for building the team spirit and great fun for Children. Would highly recommend. 5 starts

Hanna M.
05 august 2023

Hienosti rakennettu huone teemaan sopivasti sisustettuna. Tehtävät olivat loogisia, vaihtelevia ja sopivat myös teemaan. Palvelu oli erinomaista.

Laura-Angela T.
04 august 2023

This was the best escape room we’ve been to so far. All the riddles made sense and were built up in a logical way. The tasks were interesting, dynamic and required no special knowledge beforehand. The ending was very cool, perfect combo of tech, emotion and a great cooldown for an exciting escape room!

Jonna J.
04 august 2023

Good experience with one adult and two teenagers. The story was good and game innovative. A bit of language barrier with giving instructions but we made it

Kaart seiklused õues Eesti

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Lihtsalt vali, millal soovid mängida, vali mängijate arv ja sinu broneering kinnitatakse koheselt.


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