Otsi ja broneeri seikluseid õues Eesti Nowescapes

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Hiljutised hinnangud escape games Eesti

Alina M.
08 august 2019

Väga hea, huvitav ja natike hirmus väljandusruum. Ilma täiskasvatuta ei saa hakkama. Kolm põnevad ruumi ja palju mõistetusi.

Jekaterina B.
08 august 2019

Lastele väga meeldis. Tase oli 10-13 a.v. grupile sobilik, said ilusti 1 tunniga hakkama. Interaktiivne.

Grethe O.
07 august 2019

It was fun and scary, but I expected more. Could be that I just was to busy comforting the one member of our group that was scared out of his mind the whole time.

Ketlin O.
07 august 2019

Nice game worth a shot. Not actually flying in space what we thought but makes the team work well. Cool!

Polina S.
07 august 2019

Ходили в 4-ом (14 лет) Квест хороший, очень приятный персонал. Есть страшные моменты. Самое сложное начать, а потом уже войдёте во вкус

07 august 2019

Квест просто мега интересный. Можно отлично провести время при этом хорошенько поломать голову над различными задачами. Пожалуй лучше посещать большими компаниями как собственно мы и делаем обычно. Задания постоянно разные, что очень радует.

Simon S.
07 august 2019

По выходным любим всей семьей посещать этот квест. В особенности этому рады конечно же наши дети. Море веселья и позитивного настроения. Квест предоставляет интересные головоломки, что очень полезно для развития мышления подростка.

Tania Q.
06 august 2019

We had a lot of fun playing Asylum. The person explaining the backstory of the game told us that she was new and that we were her first group. She was super proud that we made it out in 50 mins :D yaaaay!

Niklas W.
06 august 2019

Cool technology, unusual storyline I recommend this escape room if you want something that is not the average escape room.

Gertu-liis H.
06 august 2019

Tasks was different than in other escape rooms. Not only number locks. Atmosphere was very authentic and scary. NB! Jump-scares!

Gertu-liis H.
06 august 2019

Very realistic atmosphere. You have to complete one interesting mission there and then escape from nazis. Very great game.

06 august 2019

This is my favorite escape room where I ever been. Started was very scary, and bonus was very professional game master. Scary and fun!

Hendrika Ö.
06 august 2019

Expectations were higher. Non-intuitive andwers for the puzzles, confusing overall. Some puzzles were very far-fetched.

Ville K.
05 august 2019

Me and my girlfriend went here seeking for a challenge and oh boy, did we receive one. It was just us so more people would have helped, but we got through it in the end and it was one of the best escape rooms we had done. Room used many different intriguing puzzle solving techniques and moving parts. Top 3 room we have ever gone!

Eero P.
03 august 2019

Väga lahe! Hoopis midagi muud kui eeldasime :).

Kaart seiklused õues Eesti

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