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Põgenemistoad · Dubai emiraat

Iron Kingdom

Dubai emiraat, Araabia Ühendemiraadid
Star 4.75 (2)
Find out who is the rightful heir to the throne
60 min
2 - 6 mängijat
Maksa internetis

Escape Reality


Within the largest continent of the world, known as the Seven Kingdoms, there exists seven noble families. In the heart of this Kingdom lies the Iron Throne, the main source of conflict between everybody in the land. Whoever sits on the Iron Throne rules the entire continent, a position desired by many, a position in which people will go to extreme lengths to hold. News has quickly spread over the land suggesting that the new King is not the rightful heir to the throne. The discovery has caused an eruption throughout the Seven Kingdoms and a battle for the throne has broken out. You must find out who is the rightful heir to the throne. Who are you going to support? Which house are you going to fight for?

Mängijate hinnangud

2 Arvustust
Tehnoloogia kasutamine
Lõbu ja kvaliteedi suhe
Lisa arvustus
Jackie B.
26 veebruar 2018

Really enjoyed the experience. It was set at just the right level for our group. Would definitely recommend.

Demi C.
21 veebruar 2018

Excellent game, really well done with great attention to detail. They've created a really great atmosphere and while it's a little out of the way, it's worth it.


Iron Kingdom

Gold and Diamond Building 6 - 25 A St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Dubai emiraat, Dubai, Araabia Ühendemiraadid

Kättesaadavus ja hinnad

See tuba ei ole Nowescape-i ametlik koostööpartner ja ei ole broneerimiseks saadaval. Broneerimiseks pöördu palun põgenemistoa kodulehele, või otsi teisi saadavalolevaid põgenemistubasid sinu lähedal.

Mida peaksid veel teadma

Kes saavad tulla

Külalised alates vanusest 12 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 10 - 11 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.

Kättesaadavus ja hinnad

See tuba ei ole Nowescape-i ametlik koostööpartner ja ei ole broneerimiseks saadaval. Broneerimiseks pöördu palun põgenemistoa kodulehele, või otsi teisi saadavalolevaid põgenemistubasid sinu lähedal.