Breaking bad
60 min | |
2 - 5 mängijat | |
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The team, represented by the main characters Walter and Jayce, was captured by the drug lords for debt. The police know about the crimes of the teacher and his student. The drug mafia placed them in a compartment for prisoners and most likely will kill them, and the trailer in which they cooked meth was confiscated. You have to escape from captivity, find out the date, time and place of the largest drug sale, as well as quickly and quietly cook meth in order to repay a debt with it, and pass the received information to the cops. Perhaps the blue meth will cheer up the evil criminals and they will let you go, and the police will reduce the sentence for the received information!
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Breaking bad
вулиця Свободи, 7, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
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Külalised alates vanusest 14 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 12 - 13 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.