Hide-and-seek: mental hospital
120 min | |
2 - 20 mängijat | |
Maksa saabumisel, või maksa internetis
₴ | |
Suspended animation

In search of new sensations, you decided to sneak into a closed mental hospital. According to the person who agreed to take you to the hospital, you are in no danger. But, once in the emergency room, you realize that the situation is getting out of control. You hear the screams of the mentally ill, the nurses are coming towards you ...
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Hide-and-seek: mental hospital
вулиця Конєва, 10, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
Kharkivs'ka city council,
Kättesaadavus ja hinnad
Mida peaksid veel teadma
Kes saavad tulla
Külalised alates vanusest 14 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 12 - 13 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.