60 min | |
2 - 7 mängijat | |
Lihtne | |
Sõbrad, Sünnipäevapidu, Perekond | |
Teaduslik, Seiklus, Ebatavaline | |
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Üliinimene on isik kes ületab oma võimete poolest nüüdisaegset inimest samavõrd, kuivõrd too on kõrgemal ahvist. Inimeseks olemine on midagi, mis on vaja ületada! Mida teeksite teie selleks, et see õnnestuks!? Seiklusmängu Shambala jätkumine.
Mängijate hinnangud
Lisa arvustusTechnology does barely work. Plot is confusing. Many steps are not logic. No fun feeling. Would not reconmend. Overall rating: 2/5*
Kõrgtehnoloogiline ja põnev tuba, ilma lukkudeta, arvutiga. Shambala jätkamine. Sünnipäeva puhul antakse soodustus.
We did Shambala and this after. There’s a clear connection to the two stories but the Shambala had more in it. It was an overall great room with the logics. Felt a bit easier with the help vompared to shambala. Worth to try these two rooms after each other.
Cool technology, unusual storyline I recommend this escape room if you want something that is not the average escape room.
The room is not dark, so the puzzles you'll encounter and not some items and slots you have to search for in the darkness, mostly they are clearly visible. The puzzles themselves are relatively simple, nothing to get stuck on. Several people can work in parallel, so a team of 4-5 would be optimal.
Väga huvitav ja ebatavaline tuba. Kasutuses on erinevad tehnoloogiad, mida varem ei ole näinud. Mängujuht oli naljakas ja avatud.
Great idea. Extremely well executed. One of the best escape rooms I've seen. And I've seen plenty. Thanks!
Посетили с друзьями. Очень интересно, стоит того. Непростой, но классный квест, всей компании понравилось очень. Во времени почти уложились. Прекрасная взаимосвязь с другим квестом, кто не проходил Шамбалу, советую взять оба подряд. 5+, молодцы!
Võrratu kogemus, jätaks järgmistele mängijatele rohkem avastamisrõõmu ja üllatusmomente. Teenindus ja teostus väga hea????
Very cool and different room. Nice use of technology! Not very difficult, but fun. We did shambala and then this one. Definitely enjoyed the experience!
Мы проходили эти задания в составе родители + дети 9 и 11 лет. Очень здорово провели время, уровень сложности доступный (дети активно приняли участие). Получили удовольствие.
Brilliant sequel for the game shambala. The environment is immersive and challenges are interesting.
Väga äge uus mäng. Soovitan!
I've been in all of their escape rooms, but this one is especially awesome. Great riddles and tasks, this game always keeps you on your toes! Well thought through and for those, who've been in Shambala there will be a pleasant surprise at the end. Absolutely recommend! Must visit in Tallinn :)
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Mida peaksid veel teadma
Kes saavad tulla
Külalised alates vanusest 18 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 7 - 17 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.
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