Нам очень понравилась тематика- побег из тюрьмы что были даже костюмы и наручники. Всё как по настоящему. Было очень интересно и здорово ????????????
Üldmulje oli väga tore. Loogika leidmisega oli kohati raskusi, aga kui vihjelõng oli käes, siis saime ülesanded kenasti lahendatud. Eks seoste leidmine vajabki harjutamist ja vilumus tuleb kogemusega.
It was decent enough, the biggest problem was the fact that it was very little response when you solved something, meaning we didn't know we had solved a puzzle and something had opened up. Other then that, there were absolutely no codes, and lots more of pattern recognition. This means you have to kinda rethink how you approach the room.
Хорошо провели время. Пользовались подсказками не много. Есть где поломать голову. Захватывает. Все необходимое в комнате есть)
Nelja poisiga vanuses 6- 13 oli täitsa tore madistamine. Treenis pisut nõrgemate närve, tugevamad võtsid kogu aeg huumoriga. Kambas peab olema keegi, kellel on vähemalt 8 klassi haridust, muidu läheb keeruliseks - isana sain seda rolli kanda ja hoolimata mu enda nohiku geenist ei pidanud lapsed tühja passima vaid said tublisti panustada.
There was potential but unfortunately, this cannot be recommended. The setting was kind of cool but felt unhygienic, and some items used for problem solving were not well done. The overall feeling was disorganized, somehow unfinished, and confusing. Also references to the Saw Franchise were minimal. Can be a good one after further polishing.
I really liked sound effects and quality of decorations. Feels immersive. This game is fun to play with three people. Be prepared to a bit of scary moments.
Alates ₴661 inimese kohta
Alates ₴584 inimese kohta