Operation H.E.R.O
60 min | |
2 - 5 mängijat | |
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Can you escape?
The Force Four superheroes have been captured by the mastermind Möbius! Hermes, Oculo, Torus, and Badger are being held in an unknown location and there is limited time before they are gone forever.
The superhero recruitment organisation, are looking for the next super squad to help locate the heroes and return them to York before it’s too late. Gather your own squad and see if you’ve got what it takes to save Force Four!
Suitable for 2-5 people.
Kättesaadavus ja hinnad
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Kes saavad tulla
Külalised alates vanusest 16 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 12 - 15 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.