Etsi ja varaa pakohuoneet paikassa Harjumaa Nowescapessa

Viimeisimmät arvostelut pakohuoneista Harjumaa

Annemari S.
28 May 2018

The room is rather classic escape room. There was one feature that did not work and the receptionist had to help us but otherwise it was fun.

Rikke V.
28 May 2018

We didn’t get past the first riddle, and we didn’t understand the hints we got. It took too long for the gamemaster to help us out, and the mood was eventually getting pretty bad. We had some problems understanding his English. The rest of the room was cool.

Anna S.
28 May 2018

Было очень интересно!

18 May 2018

Отличный квест, вошел в список лучших. Спасибо организации за прекрасно проведенное время.

16 May 2018

Had a great time indeed!

Revenge Office
Revenge Office
Timo L.
12 May 2018

We attempted this with a team of just two people as part of our vacation in Tallinn. We have experience in many escape rooms in various countries and were definitely positively surprised by the room. The puzzles were well-thought-out and generally just different than what you'd expect. A lot of effort has been put into various mechanisms and sound effects. Not being able to see the clock changed the experience dramatically and it was also nice that we only got hints when we specifically begged for them and even then they were just hinting us to look at the right direction. About the only negative thing that I can think of is that some past visitor had used some of the books in the room for their notes which briefly confused us.

11 May 2018

Jäime oma seltskonnaga kõik üli super rahule!! Kohtume kindlasti veel teistes tubades!

Kaikki pakohuoneet Harjumaa

Kartta pakohuoneet Harjumaa

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