60 min | |
2 - 7 pelaajat | |
Average | |
Pariskunnat, Perhe, Ystävät | |
Hauska, Epätavallinen, Salapoliisi | |
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa
€ | |

Sherlock Holmes, while working on his very last case, was kidnapped! Before it happened, however, he managed to solve it, but was so disturbed by what he found out that he hid it in his room and created many clues to help someone else solve the mystery. Being in rush, he left the room in a mess.
Will you be able to sort things out, solve the mystery and leave the room before the kidnappers get back?
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Vierailijat iältään 8 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 18 - 7 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.