Search and book performances in Estonsko on Nowescape

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Estonsko - Nedávné recenze únikových místností

Julia E.
07 August 2023

Очень интересно и захватывающе. Будьте внимательны, детали в мелочах))) Включайте логику и мышление!

06 August 2023

Очень интересный квест. Нужно быть внимательным к мелочам. Мы ходили парой, но успешнее и быстрее можно пройти квест, если играет более двух человек.

05 August 2023

On our Daughter's 12th Birthday we have decided to try something new, and The Trail of Alice Our First time experience with the quest rooms. We did not know what to expect and children were "scared" a bit, but as soon as we started playing, we have completely submerged in the game and all the family enjoyed it very much. Better than going to the cinema, very active, interactive, excellent for building the team spirit and great fun for Children. Would highly recommend. 5 starts

Hanna M.
05 August 2023

Hienosti rakennettu huone teemaan sopivasti sisustettuna. Tehtävät olivat loogisia, vaihtelevia ja sopivat myös teemaan. Palvelu oli erinomaista.

Laura-Angela T.
04 August 2023

This was the best escape room we’ve been to so far. All the riddles made sense and were built up in a logical way. The tasks were interesting, dynamic and required no special knowledge beforehand. The ending was very cool, perfect combo of tech, emotion and a great cooldown for an exciting escape room!

Jonna J.
04 August 2023

Good experience with one adult and two teenagers. The story was good and game innovative. A bit of language barrier with giving instructions but we made it

Julia S.
03 August 2023

Очень красивый квест. Средней сложности. Отлично подходит для прохождения с детьми. Однозначно рекомендую

Grete S.
03 August 2023

Raskusetase oli pigem raske. Teenindus, tuba ise ja üleüldiselt kõik muu oli muljetavaldav. Lemmikuks jäi siiski algus. Võibolla sellepärast, et lõppu ei jõudnud.

03 August 2023

Tuba oli väga põnev ning ületas meie ootusi. Ülesanded olid jõukohased ja ühtegi vihjet ei vajanud. Soovitame!

Harald A.
31 July 2023

renet ütles et ei soovitaks sest oli ka 15 aastasele raske, soovitan tarkadele sest neid asju ei saa võtta naljaga. Laua peal oli päris kokakiin

31 July 2023

Esimeseks toaks sobilik, väga hea ja põhjalik sissejuhatus meeskonna poolt, et kuidas toas käituma peab.

29 July 2023

Квест понравился, участвовали с удовольствием, вернемся обязательно на следующий. Посложней, чем предыдущий, но очень интересный, рекомендую « Алиса в стране чудес»

Elisa K.
28 July 2023

A very beautifully done room, the decorations were top-tier! The puzzles had a nice variety of different fun things, and the overall experience was pleasant. The price was very reasonable too! The only minor downside was that we couldn't really get into the story as the voice recording from the speakers was a little unclear (maybe not enough volyme or the overall voice quality could've been improved?), but that didn't bother us much, and we had a very fun experience :) Definitely recommend it!

Elis R.
27 July 2023

Very well organized and very interesting. Totally recommend. It was exciting and time flew by quickly. Wasn't the easiest but at the same time not as hard to take game appetite away.

27 July 2023

Some of the tasks seemed a bit difficult even though we had played many escape rooms before. It was still an unforgettable experience and the friendly staff let us finish the game even though we had ran out of time. The ending part of the game was a lot of fun.

Estonsko - Mapa performances

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