Search and book únikové hry in Harjumaa on Nowescape

Harjumaa - Nedávné recenze únikových místností

19 June 2018

Such a fun game with clever riddles, a great way to see around the Old Tallin! The service was perfect, we felt very welcome and looked after during the whole game. I would definitely recommend it!

Conspiracy In Soviet Tallinn – A City Game
Úniková hra
Conspiracy In Soviet Tall...
Marek S.
19 June 2018

our group enjoyed the game quite a lot, we played during the old town days promotion. even though we struggled a bit at some points, i think the game is well thought through, the riddles getting harder over time. especially enjoyed the role play part and the gadgets they are using. i would suggest one more station to make it longer!

Conspiracy In Soviet Tallinn – A City Game
Úniková hra
Conspiracy In Soviet Tall...
19 June 2018

This was great! We had so much fun!

Conspiracy In Soviet Tallinn – A City Game
Úniková hra
Conspiracy In Soviet Tall...
19 June 2018

Good story plot and smart riddles. I enjoyed it a lot (especially the agent part) ! 10xThx!

Conspiracy In Soviet Tallinn – A City Game
Úniková hra
Conspiracy In Soviet Tall...
19 June 2018

Fantastic adventure and challenge! You rock, guys! Thank you!

Conspiracy In Soviet Tallinn – A City Game
Úniková hra
Conspiracy In Soviet Tall...
19 June 2018

Olen käinud ca 20 erinevas Tallinna põgenemistoas ja see kindlasti top3-s.

Kristiin K.
18 June 2018

Väga tore kogemus!

The Stormy Ocean
Úniková hra
The Stormy Ocean

Harjumaa - Všechny únikové hry

Harjumaa - Mapa únikové hry

Rezervace je tak jednochuchá


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