Hide-and-seek: secret subway station
120 min | |
2 - 20 mängijat | |
Maksa saabumisel, või maksa internetis
₴ | |
Suspended animation

The action takes place at a secret metro station, where, under the heading of "secret" scientists conducted experiments. During an unsuccessful experiment, there was a huge release of radioactive substances. The station was urgently blocked and sealed. All of the staff were considered dead. After a while, two competing corporations received the right to unblock the entrance to the station and obtain valuable research results. You become a member of one of the expeditions. But you feel that something is not being said to you ...
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Hide-and-seek: secret subway station
вулиця Плеханівська, 126, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
Kharkivs'ka city council,
Kättesaadavus ja hinnad
Mida peaksid veel teadma
Kes saavad tulla
Külalised alates vanusest 16 saavad osaleda. Külalised vanuses 12 - 15 saavad osaleda koos täiskasvanud saatjaga.