Otsi ja broneeri põgenemistubasid Inglismaa Nowescapes

Hiljutised hinnangud escape games Inglismaa

14 november 2019

Had a great time completing the Junkyard escape room! The host was very friendly which made it even more enjoyable!

Jannatul S.
11 november 2019

I visited with my friends, the staff member was sooo friendly. I was actually really scared!! But it’s a lot of fun, the rooms and effects are excellent and it’s a good challenge! Definitely recommend

Rachel W.
08 november 2019

I’m so sorry as I know that this place is still very much trying to grow and expand however it was somewhat disappointing... we didn’t have much explained to us going in and on initial introduction it was a very small area even for only 2 people... the locks had been accidentally put on the wrong cases so we couldn’t beat it anyway but regardless uv ink was unclear, scrubbed off of some places, etc. Again I’m sorry Tito give this review as I really liked the ladies that ran it and I believe there is a real call for it in the area, it can really give a great alternative option for team building fun experiences for any combination of people and I hope that people keep booking and going so that it can continue to evolve and build upon some really good starting blocks.

Andrew T.
20 oktoober 2019

We really enjoyed it. It wasn't too difficult, but it uses technology in a lot of interesting ways.

Carol S.
16 oktoober 2019

First time in an escape room was a bit difficult but the game master gave us extra time and we completed it. Was great fun !

Matthew G.
14 oktoober 2019

Was very innovative never been to an escape room like it before would very much recommend it to young adults

Jessica H.
09 oktoober 2019

Super fun & super clever! Would recommend! Came with my partner for her birthday and she loved it, it was her first escape room!

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Kaart põgenemistubade Inglismaa

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