60 min | |
2 - 5 mängijat | |
Keskmise raskusastmega | |
Sõbrad, Teismelised | |
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During the Christmas Eve, you and your friends decided to celebrate the holiday in the way you'll never forget. Someone offered to spend Christmas in an old hostel. The crowd supported this idea, so you chose an old hostel on the edge of the city. Only while moving into the hostel you find out the mysterious story behind this building. A regular family with two children were the owners of this place. Nothing unusual if only one day the owners of the hostel owners weren't found violently killed in one the rooms. The disappearing of the small kids still is a mystery. You will have to find out what happened to that family in this hostel.
Kättesaadavus ja hinnad
Mida peaksid veel teadma
Kes saavad tulla
Külalised vanuses 16 ja vanemad saavad osaleda.