Morphine 2.0: experiment
60 min | |
2 - 5 mängijat | |
Keskmise raskusastmega | |
Sõbrad, Teismelised | |
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For a long time police wasn't able to find the escaped doctor Sebastian Cunning, who was addicted to morphine and performed violent experiments on people. You are a group of people, who, earlier, had a chance to survive after cruel experiments in the doctor's basement. unfortunately, not all of you survived, he killed one of your friend. A lot of years of medical treatment made Cunning clean. Since the doctor was a very famous mental health and surgery specialist, he once again was able to work as a practicing surgeon in the city hospital. Some time passed, and everyone started talking about patients and clinic workers went missing. Everyone had been told about a mysterious serial killer, but everything kept telling you doctor Sebastian Cunning was related to the losses. You decided to visit the clinic and deal with him once and for all.
Morphine 2.0: experiment
проспект Степана Бандери, 16, Київ, Україна, 02000
Kyiv City,
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