It's an exciting thing to try =) This escape room has some uncommon mechanisms involved which are fun to experience ;)
It was good, original, but not enough tasks and definitely not hard difficulty. It was more about the atmosphere than solving puzzles.. the ending was nice.
Complicated but fascinating. Hints and objects at the level I've not seen before, a very ingenuine use of the Wonderland atmosphere and logic. Definitely not your usual escape room!
The staff was very friendly but not always easy to understand as she spoke very fast in English. All in all a nice experience
Alguses jäi töötaja hiljaks, muidu oli tore, saime välja. Oleks võinud olla rohkem päris vangla moodi.
Väga huvitav ja dekoreeritud tuba. Tegevust ja mõstatusi jagus kõigile. Soovitame ka teistele. Tuleme nüüd panga röövile.
Väga armas ja tore kogemus, mida teha koos perega. Mitmekesine ja väga lõbus ettevõtmine. Väga meeldiv teenindus.
Väga lahe ja sōbralik teenindus. Pōgenemine pangast oli parajalt keeruline ja lōbus. Asukoha leidmine oli lihtne. Aitäh!
Лучше если не больше 3 человек. Вообще интересно, задания разные - поиск, на логику, плюс немного математики. Рекомендуем
Erinevalt Alice'i põgenemistoast nõuab see loomingulisuse asemel rohkem loogilist mõtlemist. Oli lõbus, mitte liiga raske. Töötaja oli väga abivalmis ja sõbralik. Klaustrofoobikutele ning merehaigetele võib tekitada ebameeldivust.
Interestingly done challenges. Loved the theme and the fact that you can finish the game via several means.
Fun and cozy experience that is themed around Harry Potter. Both who know the books and who don't will enjoy this.
Wasn't too difficult, still fun with friends. Some sounds too loud, overall feel was like being part of wonderland. Fun new puzzles.
Very exciting and high-quality game. I especially liked that the game required creativity. It was my first time, so I was a bit stuck on time. I kinda regret making this as my first game. I would really like to go there again with a clean slate.