Royal Mysteries
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If Prague is one of the most mysterious European and world cities, then it pays largely for the New Town of Prague. The story of the game called „Royal mysteries“ is taking place in this mysterious part of Prague. Let the Holy Roman Emperor and Czech King Charles IV. be your guide. This ingenious architect of Prague left row of symbols, codes and incantations in this quarter, which is no doubt.
Would you like to discover and solve some of them and understand their significance? You are cordially invited …
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Royal Mysteries
1, Karlovo nám. 23, 120 00 Nové Město, Česko
Hlavní město Praha,
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Участвовать могут гости в возрасте 15. Гости в возрасте 8 - 14 могут участвовать только вместе со взрослыми.