The Secret Lab
60 min | |
4 - 10 players | |
Pay on arrival, or pay online
Locked In Edinburgh

1972 was the longest year in the history of mankind due to two leap seconds being added to its total length, an event that has since not been repeated. It was indeed a year of tension. Knee-deep in the cold war, America and Russia engaged in a global staring contest, causing much distrust. Research on defence systems including missiles and viruses were given increased funds. One lab in particular has a very interesting story.
The Kensie Research Lab was a marvel of 70s technology, with the best equipment money could buy. Situated in Edinburgh, smack in the middle of an old veterinary hospital so not to raise suspicion, the lab was designed around the research and creation of vaccines and viruses. The mastermind behind the project was Professor Lyall Kensie, a brilliant bio-chemist .Do you have what it takes to discover what lies within The Secret Lab today.
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Who can come
Guests aged 16 and up can attend. Guests aged 12 - 15 can attend with adults.