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Escape rooms · London
Escape room

Dark Magik

London, United Kingdom
60 min
2 - 5 players
Average difficulty
Good for:
Couple, Friends
Unusual, Magic, In the dark
Pay on arrival, or pay online

Operated by
Access Escape


Do you and your team have what it takes to feel, smell and communicate your way through our escape room in complete darkness?

The evil wizard Olrephior has stolen six rare dragons eggs.

We have gathered your team together to sneak in to his lair while he is out and search for the stolen eggs … but be careful team, the place you have just entered is full of dark magic!

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available for ages between 16 - 70 years old

Women who are pregnant will not be able to take part in this activity.


Dark Magik

24 Stephenson St, Canning Town, London E16 4SA, UK
London Borough of Newham, London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.


From Canning Town station:

Turn right after the barriers at the station and exit on to Silvertown way, go under the overpass and turn left and head over the railway bridge, take the first left walk straight down that road until you reach the Durham ar

What else need to know

Who can come

Guests aged 18 and up can attend. Guests aged 16 - 17 can attend with adults.


Access Escape Waiver and Liability Release

I hereby assume all of the risks of participating in any/all activities associated with this escape room event given by Access Escapes escape room at The Durham arms, 24 Stephenson street, Canning Town, London E16 4SA. This is including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the person or group member or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained, or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault.

I hereby confirm that I am 16 years of age or above and no older than 70 years old. (If aged between 16 - 18 years old you will need a parent or guardian to sign this waiver on your behalf on the day)

I hereby confirm that I am not pregnant or have a possibility of being pregnant during my participation in this activity.

I certify that I understand this activity has potential risks including but not limited to:

1) Use of simple tools;

2) Potentially moving or lifting objects of not more than 20 pounds;

3) Mental stress and anxiety;

4) Being in an enclosed space with up to 5 other persons in complete darkness

5) Possibility of failure to escape the room in the allotted time.

6) Being in a dark space with no light available.

7) Tipping hazard due to lack of light

I hereby confirm the following:

I understand that this game takes place in total darkness and there may be obstacles within the room such as tables.

I have no physical or mental illness that precludes my participation in a safe manner for myself or others. I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol which impairs my ability to maintain my safety awareness or endangers others.

I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver of Release of Liability Form will be used by the organizers of the activity which I may participate, and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at said activity. I agree that all staff or authorised agents may, in their sole discretion, determine it is unsafe for myself or others for my participation to continue and remove me from the premises by any lawful means.

In consideration of my application and permitting me to participate in this activity, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns as follows:

I wave, release and discharge from any and all fault of the entities or persons released for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me, whether caused by the fault of myself, the company or third parties, the following entities or persons: The members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents of any and all entities authorizing this activity (the releases);

Indemnify, hold harmless and promise not to sue the entities or persons mentioned in the above paragraph from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of participation in this activity, whether caused by the negligence of the releases or otherwise;

Indemnify and defend the entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph against all claims, causes of action damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my or family’s use of or presence upon the facilities of the company;

Observe and obey oral rules and warnings and further agree to follow any posted instructions or directions given by the entities or persons mentioned above in this paragraph;

I agree to pay for all damages to the facilities of the entities or persons mentioned above in this paragraph caused by any negligent, reckless, or willful actions me, my family or the person I have signed this document for;

I agree that I will use good behavior and judgment while participating in this activity and if I am requested to reschedule by the entities or persons mentioned above in this paragraph, I will comply.

I acknowledge that the members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives and agents of any authorizing entity are not responsible for errors, omissions, acts or failures to act of any party or entity conducting a specific activity on their behalf.

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during this activity.

I acknowledge that during the course of my experience in the facilities of the company I will learn certain information that must be maintained confidential in order to ensure the continued success of the company and its operations. I further acknowledge that my disclosure of any such information to third parties and or the public, including through digital mediums and social media would result in irreparable harm to the company. Based thereon, I agree that any and all information I may obtain concerning the operation of the company must be maintained confidentially and I expressly agree that I will not disclose or cause to be disclosed such confidential or proprietary information to third parties or the public, including through the use of social media or other outlets.

This Accident Waiver and Release of Liability shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with UK law. Any action proceeding or litigation concerning my participation in this activity may only be brought in the UK and I hereby agree that the courts within the UK shall have exclusive jurisdiction over me and the subject matter of any such proceeding.

The Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form shall be constructed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.

I certify that I have read/ Listened to this document and I fully understand its content. I am aware that this is a release of my liability and a contract and I sign it of my own free will.

Room Rule:

I agree to comply with all Access Escape Room and building rules including but not limited to the following:

1. Please be respectful of the items in the room so that the next group can play as well.

You will be held responsible for any reckless behavior including breaking or damaging items.

2. There is nothing in the ceiling, floor, plug sockets or under tables.

3. Items should not be moved with force (items that are secured down will not be forcibly moved)

4. Do not tamper with or place any objects into electrical outlets.

5. Everything needed to escape is included in the room. Outside materials should not be used to benefit you in the game. This includes phones, pens, lock picks, crowbars, long fingers or arms or any other random item that you may have brought with you.

6. All mobile phones shall be locked in a box before entering the room and the key will be given to one of the players. This will then become the players responsibility and Access Escape will not be held responsible for loss of key.

7. If something is locked, you need to unlock it. If an item does not easily open, please do not force it.

8. Please help us preserve our secrets by not taking pictures or videos inside the rooms.

9. Due to the nature of the game, having no lighting in the room the door will remain unlocked throughout each groups hour, if you feel uncomfortable or ill at any point in the game please leave through the door or call for assistance but please be aware of letting light in to the room and use the black out system provided.

10. All items picked up in the room MUST be put down on a table when not in use and at no point put on to the floor which may cause a tripping hazard.

11. No items should be placed on the floor at any time and any dropped items need to be picked up immediately. and with awareness of objects around you such as a table so that you do not bamg your head when standing back up.

12. Please be aware that there are obstacles in the room such as tables, no running is allowed in the room and caution needs to be taken when walking around.

13. All games are located on walls or on top of tables, there is a strict policy of no touching of items under tables or below tables or on the floor. At no point in the game should any person from a team sit, kneel or lie on the floor to prevent any harm coming to that person.

14. All keys in the room that are needed to complete the game are attached to arm bands, when a key is found these must be worn at all times until the key has been used then you have the option to remove the band and place it carefully on a table or keep it on but in no circumstances must it be discarded on to the floor. (some bands may also have other items attached, please leave these items on and do not forcibly remove)

15. At the end of your game, we will take your picture and post it on our Facebook, Instagram and/or our Twitter page.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would tag yourself as well as share and/or like it.

Availability and prices

This venue is not an official partner of Nowescape, and is not available for booking. For booking, proceed to the venue’s website, or search for other available escape rooms in your area.