The Room

2247 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2247 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Pia A.
03 August 2019

Well organized, intresting, different and a bit funny too. Good english is required to understand the hints.

Sandra R.
02 August 2019

Väga ettearvamatu ja loogikavastane. Tundub nii, et esimene mõte, mis pähe tuleb, ongi see õige, isegi kui see on nii ajuvaba. Soovitan!

Artem Z.
01 August 2019

Квест идеально подойдет для двоих игроков. Задания интересные, не сильно сложные и предполагают взаимодействие двух участников. Необычные, в хорошем смысле слова, ощущения в конце гарантированы.

Rolandas S.
31 July 2019

Good please for good team. Very interesting to find together a way to escape from this room. I recommended like team work.

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
Ksenija Jaanika K.
29 July 2019

Ну такое себе. Много не очень хороших технических моментов. Некоторые детали нужно было до мм выравривать, что бы что то открылось. И некоторые вещи без подсказки было не найти так как спрятано было в маленькой щели, которую никак не найти.

Alena O.
28 July 2019

It was a really great game. We enjoyed it a lot and the gamemadter was very friendly. The best room I've done so far. Definitely recommend doing this.

Kastehelmi A.
25 July 2019

We were a group of two adults and two teenagers (13) and we really enjoyed the experience! The story took the teens totally and we get to do some good mind work to get out there. Teens were really exited and talked about it a long time after the game was over and went through different ideas how to do it quicker/better. Would definitely recommend for other families with teenagers:)

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
Jaanus P.
24 July 2019

Ülesandeid võiks olla selles toas natukene rohkem kuid see ei tähenda, et põgenemistubade kontekstis poleks tegu just tehnilise lahenduse tõttu kõige erilisema ja meeldejäävama kogemusega.

22 July 2019

Perfect for two people! Me and my friend had a lot of fun. Suitable for beginners and experienced players. You will love the end!!! We definitely recommend The gravity!

Kira M.
22 July 2019

Очень нравятся комнаты, которые состоят не из 4 стен =) Некоторые загадки решаются быстро, некоторые подольше, но общее впечатление - отличное!

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
15 July 2019

The gravity room was exciting and full of surprises. It was one of the best escape rooms I’ve ever done.

Elin L.
27 June 2019

We really enjoyed the room and all it’s parts! Few but hard puzzels. There was some parts of the game that was truly awesome. We had a great time and got great service from Hanna!

Jelizaveta R.
21 June 2019

Lõbus arutada sõpradega ja hea elamus, aga võiks rohkem reaalsem olla hirmuäravatam!

11 June 2019

Very good experieence! Challenging and with a wide variety of problem solving.

24 May 2019

Vähe mõistatusi ja liiga palju valgust

Vastaus The Room:
Meil on kahju kuulda, et te ei nautinud mängu. See on esmakordne kui saame arvustuse liigse valgustuse kohta "Hullumaja" mängus. Oleme veendunud, et leiate Tallinnas mänge kus on "pimedam" kui meil selles konkreetses põgenemistoas. Tänud külastamast!