The Room

2247 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2247 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Risto U.
18 August 2019

Good experience with whole family. Kids of ages 9 and 14 were able to help and solve along nicely. Hostess was kind, helpful and experience was pleasant. Great props used, some varying difficulty puzzles, several components through whole adventure. Not overly difficult, not too easy either - perfect for a family cooperation! We liked it a lot

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
Cassidy-Cassandra V.
16 August 2019

See oli mega äge!! Soovitan väga! Käisime sõpradega. See oli natukene hirmus kuid samas oli vaja loogikat.

15 August 2019

FR : Une superbe première expérience ! Il s'agissait pour nous de notre premier escape game (et pas le dernier c'est certain!) et nous avons passé un excellent moment. Nous avons fait « The Stormy Ocean » que nous recommandons (y compris pour ceux qui n'en ont jamais fait). L'accueil d'Olga est très chaleureuse et les lieux sont supers. Nous y retournerions avec plaisir. Merci ! Laëtitia, Florian et Romane.

EN : An awesome first experience ! It was our first escape room (and for sure not the last one) and we have a great time. We did « The Stormy Ocean » and we recommend it (even for people's first one). We had a warm welcome from Olga and the place is nice. If we can we will come back with pleasure. Thanks ! Laëtitia, Florian et Romane.

The Stormy Ocean
The Stormy Ocean
Надежда Л.
15 August 2019

Очень понравился квест. Ходили группой из 4 человек. Интересные загадки, сложные и очень атмосферно.

Kirill O.
13 August 2019

Было очень интересно, необычные задачки, погружение в старину, и в постановку. С семьёй и друзьями очень весело

Meeri V.
12 August 2019

Väga põnev! Huvitavad ülesanded ???? Olen käinud paljudes erinevates põgenemistubades ja see ületab eelnevaid. Soovitan ????

Henri M.
12 August 2019

Tavapärasest tunduvalt erinevam tuba. Rahulikult on võimalik mõtelda ja vaadelda ega pea ootama mõnda hirmutavat ehmatust.

Kirsti T.
11 August 2019

Väga rahul! Ootamatud lahendused. Soovitame soojalt.

Kerstin A.
11 August 2019

Excellent, exceeding expectations. Technically well-designed and with very enjoyable and surprising bonus features.

Aeksandra S.
10 August 2019

Всё понравилось. Не хватало погружения немного. Но в общем и целом обслуживание понравилось. Персонал дружелюбный, задачки неожиданные. Рекомендую!

Jekaterina B.
08 August 2019

Lastele väga meeldis. Tase oli 10-13 a.v. grupile sobilik, said ilusti 1 tunniga hakkama. Interaktiivne.

Ketlin O.
07 August 2019

Nice game worth a shot. Not actually flying in space what we thought but makes the team work well. Cool!

Polina S.
07 August 2019

Ходили в 4-ом (14 лет) Квест хороший, очень приятный персонал. Есть страшные моменты. Самое сложное начать, а потом уже войдёте во вкус

Tania Q.
06 August 2019

We had a lot of fun playing Asylum. The person explaining the backstory of the game told us that she was new and that we were her first group. She was super proud that we made it out in 50 mins :D yaaaay!

Eero P.
03 August 2019

Väga lahe! Hoopis midagi muud kui eeldasime :).