The Room

2247 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2247 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Liselotta J.
17 February 2023

A wonderful and new experience. We had never been in such a hi-tech escape room! This is great for couples and friends.

Katrin P.
17 February 2023

Väga ägedalt veedetud tund aega. Arutamist jätkus veel pikalt peale mängu. Mängisime kahekesi aga Alice põgenemistoas oleks neljakesi põnevam olnud, jäime ajahätta. (:

15 February 2023

An absolutely wonderful escape room! Would definitely recommend to those who wish to start thinking outside the box

Mari K.
13 February 2023

Väga soovitan Baker Street tuba! Hästi läbi mõeldud mõrvamüsteerium, toas on palju peidetud nüansse ja detaile, aga samas on väga loogiline ja arusaadavalt lahendatav. Kahekesi saime peaaegu hakkama, 30 sekundit jäi puudu, et oleksime toast välja saanud. Väga soovitan üldse Claustrophobia tube

12 February 2023

Очень интересный квест, сперва загадки кажутся нифига не понятными, а потом оказывается все очень просто, просто мы тупили жестко вхах. Некоторые загадки не совсем были логичными, но с парой подсказок выполнить реально. И квест пройти тоже реально, мы, например, выиграли, хотя и тупили много и глупо)

Aivar K.
12 February 2023

Квест заставляет почувствовать себя как будто ты реально находишься психиотрической больнице. Все не так просто как оказалось, что заставило напрячь мозги, и может немного заставить испугаться.

05 February 2023

Благодарим Вас и вашу команду! Нам всё очень понравилось???? Дух авантюриста присутствовал на протяжении всего часа.

24 January 2023

The puzzles were interesting, my friends and I liked them. The dedective story was great. We will come again.

Liisi J.
23 January 2023

First time in Claustrophobia. Stuff is super friendly and welcoming and gives really good prep talk. I guess one of our team members has been to way too many escape rooms and bit through the hints really quickly. Liked that the design of the room was different and the 4D experience.

Giga S.
22 January 2023

Staff was great and helpful. Experience was amazing and fun. It was the first time and definitely made a great impression

22 January 2023

Wear comfortable clothes and use your mathematical skills. Very fun activity in the end which was worth of playing the whole game;)

Helen R.
22 January 2023

A great way to spend time with someone doing something unusual. It is a room which is hard to forget. It was a good experience and definitely will recommend it!

Nicole P.
21 January 2023

See oli vägev! See on hea idee, et pidada enda sünnipäeva. Loomulikult tulen veel.

21 January 2023

See tuba oli jube äge! Ma soovitaks mitte kiirustada ja mitte sattuda paanikasse! See on hea idee, et pidada enda sünnipäeva!

Piia P.
17 January 2023

Mielenkiintoinen pakopeli. Sai itsensä kyseenalaistamaan omaa mielentilaansa. Osittain haasteellisia tehtäviä silmille (auts). :D