The Room

2247 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2247 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
19 October 2023

The room was challenging for two players, but not too impossible. The gameleader was helpful and friendly.

Taija N.
18 October 2023

Liisa Ihmemaassa: Meidän perhe (13 ja 17 v) ja me aikuiset tykättiin kyllä ja voimme suositella lämpimästi ????.

16 October 2023

Was so cool, we decided to book spontanious and it was worth every Euro. The People are very friendly and explained everything fine. We will surely come again :)

Erich T.
09 October 2023

Mäng oli põnev, lastekodu toa kõrval teine lemmik tuba Teie juures. Mängujuht oli sõbralik ning julgeme kindlasti teistele soovitada ????

09 October 2023

Было интересно искать подсказки и мне довольно понравился квест. Девушка админ - супер и атмосфера приятная

07 October 2023

Очень понравилось. Были м друзьями. Требуется немного логики. В первой комнате немного застряли однако выбрались быстро.

Kiur K.
06 October 2023

The Trail of Alice is a compact adventure, set in the universe of Alice in Wonderland. It makes nice references to the movies, but is not dependent on previous knowledge. It is a fun escape room which demands that players pay attention to every detail no matter how minor it may seem.

02 October 2023

An Amazing escape room! 10/10 would recommend. The game is so creative and fun and challenging. My fiancé loved the surprise!

Kerttu T.
30 September 2023

So far the best escape room in Tallinn! All directions were in Estonian, English, Russian and Finnish. The setup is simply amazeballz!

Raimond M.
23 September 2023

This experience gave us much more than we expected. Reaching the end felt very rewarding and it is totally worth the visit.

Radoslaw C.
19 September 2023

The riddles are very creative and satisfying to solve. The setting also allows for immersion and being in the zone. Time flew even a bit too fast :))

19 September 2023

Escape room puzzles were innovative and entertaining. They were well taught and the experience had some unexpected elements also.

Laura-Angela T.
19 September 2023

Very good experience, definitely one of the best escape rooms I've been to. It was fun, interesting, and challenging enough to captivate but not too difficult to lose motivation. The tasks were built logically, made sense, and the rooms were designed beautifully. The game was equally exciting for an experienced player as well as first-timers. Service was great as usual, as it always is at Claustrophobia.

Meeri P.
18 September 2023

Väga huvitav. Saab fantaasia lendu lasta. Ei olnud ühtegi hetke, kus oleks olnud igav. Tekitas tunde, et tahaks kohe uuesti põgenemistuppa minna :D

10 September 2023

Teimme huoneen suomeksi. Uudenlaisia tehtäviä monille aisteille tosi monipuolisesti. Nuoret pysyi hyvin mukana.