The Room

2247 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2247 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Andres O.
15 March 2022

Väga põnev mäng. Tuleb kasutada erinevaid oskusi ja loogikat, olla tähelepanelik. Soovitan soojalt!!!

Jekaterina V.
14 March 2022

Superkift kogemus, käisime kahe lapsega 12 ja 10 a, oli väga põnev, isegi pani natuke pabistama teatud hetkedel:) Soovitan!

Jekaterina V.
13 March 2022

On väga hea esimeseks kogemuseks eriti lastega, ilus, maagiline tuba, palju huvitavaid ülesandeid. Kõikidele oli väga põnev.

Ирина Г.
13 March 2022

Понравилось! Пользовались подсказками.. были некоторые моменты сложными. Спасибо! Придем ещё раз!!!!!

13 March 2022

Good experience and the lady who helped us is really friendly and professional. Nice memories for all of us.

12 March 2022

Спасибо! Очень понравился квест, яркий, красивый, интересный! Рекомендую! Подойдет для взрослых и подростков!

Masha A.
06 March 2022

We loved our escape room experience! It was fun & entertaining! There were a few quite unexpected twists so I would say a company of 4 is perfect for that escape room. Thank you, guys!

27 February 2022

Väga hea teenundus. Mäng üllatusega. Kõik detailid omavad tähtsust. Võib mängida ka suurema seltskonnaga.

Ruta T.
25 February 2022

Hindeks 10/10. Oli äärmiselt huvitav ja põnev. Tuba oli imeilus. Esimene põgenemistuba. Lapsed vanuses 8-11. Imeline kogemus. Kindlasti tuleme teisi mänge läbima.

Mirjam A.
25 February 2022

We loved it, very varied puzzles and challenges and time flew past. Was really fun and engaging hour.

Liis T.
25 February 2022

Väga meeldis, piisavalt palju aju ragistamist. Põnev ja huvitavad lahendused.

Maria R.
22 February 2022

Definitely worth going! Fun and rewarding experience. The riddles had a logical solution and didn’t seem too complicated.

Ignacio P.
20 February 2022

This was an amazing experience, and a lot of fun. It was only our second time in an escape room, and it will definitely not be our last.

It was quite hard for us, full of challenging puzzles and amazing twists, forcing us to think outside the box. Even with a few (a lot of) hints we still finished only with 30 seconds to spare. Oh, well. We are new to escape rooms, after all. It is going to take some practice to get good at solving puzzles.

The atmosphere was immersive, capturing the theme of the room and making it a magical adventure. Everything around us was not just a piece of the puzzle, but an element in an adventure.

This room is now solved (barely! with a lot of help!) but many other rooms remain here, and we absolutely intend to go through them all.

Special mention to our host, Hanna, who was delightful, welcomed us warmly, helped us get through the room and made this adventure even more enjoyable. She was also very kind and understanding when I mixed up our booking date and had to reschedule!

Thank you so much! You will see us again very soon.

Koit K.
16 February 2022

Väga lõbus ja ilusa toa disainiga. Mõtlemist oli palju, aga kõik oli aus ja mitte liiga keeruline. Soovitan kindlasti.

Mari M.
13 February 2022

Väga lahe kogemus. Kaasahaarav ja põnev tegevus, täielik igapäevaelust väljalülitumise tunne oli. Tõesti meeldiv mängu juht.