The Room

2226 arvostelua
Toimialue: Tallinna

The Room

Fascinating escape rooms in Estonian, English, or Russian. Up to 3-4 players in a team. More information

Kaikki aktiviteetit


2226 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Николь Т.
25 September 2021

Если быть честной, то не очень понравилось, инструкция по одной детали была не верна, у нас листок съехал и мы не знали как его поправить и всё остальное, вообще не продумано

Kertu H.
22 September 2021

Väga põnev ja väljakutseid pakkuv tuba. Väga autentne atmosfäär ja vinged ülesanded. Soovitan kindlasti!

Imre K.
19 September 2021

Väga positiivne kogemus. Unikaalne põgenemistuba kus on tunda inseneride head tehnilist tööd ja vaeva. Eriti just viimane ruum kus toimus tagasilend maale. Aga ka kahe esimese ruumi tehnilised teostused.

Roger K.
19 September 2021

It was fun and would recommend......................................................................

19 September 2021

Really nice experience. However, if you only have time for one room, I’d choose “The Trail of Alice” over this.

That said, we also enjoyed Gravity. Great host, awesome effects. Puzzles were OK.

Jussi T.
19 September 2021

Great interior design in the room. The puzzles were logical and diverse. Really nice experience for our group of three!

Abasi-amefon A.
18 September 2021

Awesome room! Great host! Remember to ask for hints and the host helps the game move on really well.

Reimo T.
11 September 2021

Väga elav ja abivalmis läbiviija, toad olid huvitavad ja vajasid lahenduste lahendamiseks kõiki vaistinguid.

Elina H.
06 September 2021

Very nice game for beginners like us. Exellent guiding and friedliness on staff. We enjoyed this historical game set.

Alfredo G.
05 September 2021

A great game! I'd highly recommend it to everyone (kids and adults). The decoration is really awesome.

Mirjam M.
05 September 2021

Väga mõnus võimalusel sõpradega koos olemiseks. Loogikat nõudvad ülesanded, aga ei midagi kontimurdvat. Ja tavapäratu lõpp! Mängujuht oli väga sõbralik ja vastutulelik. Soovitame kindlasti!

03 September 2021

Устроили подруге сюрприз на день рождения и отвели её в эту комнату. Эмоций было через край. Всем очень понравилось. Это самая красивая и яркая квест комната в которой нам довелось побывать. Однозначно рекомендую!

03 September 2021

Great fun to do. It was exciting and intriguing, using all the senses. I completed this with my son and daughter and it was great to work together on the different tasks. Would definitely recommend.

Laura J.
02 September 2021

Really nice experience! It made us question our sanity some times during the game. It was a lot of fun!

Vlad D.
01 September 2021

Magnificent room, tasks are interesting and not too complicated. We had a lot of fun with friends. Highly recommend!