Väga huvitav ja originaalne tuba. Üsna üllatavad elemendid, mida ilmselt mujalt ei leia. Mängujuht oli super! Soovitan soojalt.
Очень интересно, а главное весело. Всем понравилось
Ei olnud varasemalt palju põgenemistubades käinud, kuid selles toas saime üpris hästi hakkama, kuigi väga napilt. Põnev ja nuputamist täis kogemus. Soovitan!
Teismelistele tüdrukutele meeldis väga, lubasid tagasi minna ja teha parema aja????. Kuigi ülesandega ei saadud täielikult hakkama
We were a family in escape room. Game is quite scary for smaller kids (below 7) because there is quite dark, scary background music and accidental noses. However for older childs and adults it is great fun and adventure.
Kiva kokemus, hyvä pelinvetäjä (omistaja), hinta - laatu suhde hyvä, sopii myös pariskunnille hyvin.
We thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience completing this room. Firstly the Host was excellent. Games were introduced well and not intrusive with suggesting hints. After the room was complete they were more than happy to discuss the aspects of the game which was a nice way to finish the experience.
The game itself was challenging in various ways and we liked the fact that there were multiple types of puzzles and plenty of opportunities to embarrass yourself :)
Very happy we chose this room at random after completing another challenge earlier in the day. Was definitely worth it.
The room was enjoyable and provided some interesting challenges. We were expecting the atmosphere to be more creepy but aside of couple of sudden moments we stayed pretty chill during the entire game. The room should be suitable for beginners as most of the challenges should be solvable without help. Overall good fun and recommended.
Really enjoyed this one! Our host was really cool and friendly, two of us managed to complete all tasks without hints and ending worth it :)
Psühhiaatriahaigla põgenemistoas olid toredad mõistatused, soovitan külastada. Personal oli samuti meeldiv.
Minu arust läks ta veidi sellest cyberpunk esteetikast ja temaatikast mööda, no korralikult mööda pigem, tundus lihtsalt nagu sci-fi tuleviku stuff, mitte väga cyebrpunk imho. Ega ma palju ei lootnud aga minu arvates pole seda raha väärt aga noh samas kasutan ise ka palju virtuaal reaalsust, inimesele kes kasutab esimest korda võib see tore olla küll. Võiks rohkem infot ja pilte ja nii olla kodulehel et saaks otsust paremini teha, aga noh selle jaoks review-d ongi, enamuste jaoks see on arvatavasti kerge pettumus, aga sellel on potensiaali.
Seltskonnas oli neid, kes arvasid, et põgenemistuba ei ole nende jaoks tunnistasid hiljem, et tekkis hasart ja täitsa tore oli.
Really unique room! Completed it together with my partner in just under an hour and would definitely recommend.
Väga põnev ja hirmus! Soovitan sellisele grupile kes oskavad teha koostööd. Super parim põgenemistuba mida olen teinud! Kindlasi soovitan.
Different experience that I have not seen anywhere! This room really has gravity effects. And no pad locks or any boring stuff.