Teimme huoneen suomeksi. Uudenlaisia tehtäviä monille aisteille tosi monipuolisesti. Nuoret pysyi hyvin mukana.
Красивая, необычная, сложная, но очень интересная комната! С удовольствием сходили, всем рекомендуем.
Гравитация-очень классный и необычный квест, который заставит подумать и проявить смекалку и внимательность. Очень приятная ведущая умеющая помочь при необходимости не раскрывая при этом лишней информации и сохраняя интригу. Рекомендую!
Good use of your imagination to create your own reality and make it happen in the future and not just for your own good but also for the world.
This was only my second time in a quest room (and the first for my girlfriend). I really felt like a part of the fairytale, with all feelings immersed in the game. This game would suit both kids and adults, and it is a perfect choice for the players without a lot of previous experience and those who avoid scary things.
Meie esimene mäng, ei teadnud mida oodata. Oli väga põnev ja huvitav. Peab olema väga tähelepanelik ja organiseeritud. Meeldis väga. Kindlasti tuleme veel mängima.
Были в квесте психушка с семьёй,уложились в 50 мин.Спасибо за подсказки,во второй комнате затупили:)
Meeldis! Soovitan peredele ja lastele. Mõistatused pole liiga rasked ega kerged. Teenindus oli meeldiv.
It's an exciting thing to try =) This escape room has some uncommon mechanisms involved which are fun to experience ;)
It was good, original, but not enough tasks and definitely not hard difficulty. It was more about the atmosphere than solving puzzles.. the ending was nice.
Complicated but fascinating. Hints and objects at the level I've not seen before, a very ingenuine use of the Wonderland atmosphere and logic. Definitely not your usual escape room!
The staff was very friendly but not always easy to understand as she spoke very fast in English. All in all a nice experience
Alguses jäi töötaja hiljaks, muidu oli tore, saime välja. Oleks võinud olla rohkem päris vangla moodi.