Etsi ja varaa treasure hunt playroom paikassa Viro Nowescapessa

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Viimeisimmät arvostelut pakohuoneista Viro

Janika S.
05 November 2023

Lõbus ajaviide, parajalt huvitav ja peamurdmist on. Huvitav oli ka lastel ja teismelistel. Lapsed kuni 10 a võiksid olla tasuta.

Anna L.
04 November 2023

Спасибо вам за впечатления!Супер! Нам понравилось! ♥️ с ребенком 11 лет было весело) всем советуем)

01 November 2023

At first when entering the room, the situation was rather confusing and almost frustrating as it was a bit more difficult than expected. Once after solving the first task things got a lot more interesting. Upon solving a task after task the experience got better and better. Also plus points for creating the old Sherlock era feeling in the room. Tasks were greatly made up, clues were confusing at first but made sense after further thinking. Had to use logical thinking and also creativity. Overall really immerse experience. Would defienetely recommend to try it out. Will definetely visit again to try out other rooms aswell.

01 November 2023

great experience the decor was super immersive and the mechanics were super fun we had a great time with friends it's the perfect escape room to do in Tallinn !

Johanna J.
28 October 2023

Really good game for Alice in Wonderland fan. Beautiful interior. We were able to play the room by just two of us, which is not always possible.

Ilkka W.
26 October 2023

Great game for the whole family! Kids really enjoyed the game and the costumes added to the experience.

22 October 2023

Enjoyable and playful game from the world of Sherlock Holmes. No special knowledge needed. Highly recommend

19 October 2023

The room was challenging for two players, but not too impossible. The gameleader was helpful and friendly.

Taija N.
18 October 2023

Liisa Ihmemaassa: Meidän perhe (13 ja 17 v) ja me aikuiset tykättiin kyllä ja voimme suositella lämpimästi ????.

Olga S.
18 October 2023

До конца не прошли время, не хватило.Интересно, есть над чем подумать.Попробуем себя в других квестах!Всем советую !

Minna T.
17 October 2023

Kids liked the Harry Potter theme and the accessories very much. The game was suitable for both kids and adults.

16 October 2023

Was so cool, we decided to book spontanious and it was worth every Euro. The People are very friendly and explained everything fine. We will surely come again :)

Violetta V.
14 October 2023

Huvitav! Meile väga meeldis, tuleme veel kord! Kaïs in sõpradega, valisime keskmine raskust ja saime teha natuke varem kui tund aega

Erich T.
09 October 2023

Mäng oli põnev, lastekodu toa kõrval teine lemmik tuba Teie juures. Mängujuht oli sõbralik ning julgeme kindlasti teistele soovitada ????

09 October 2023

Было интересно искать подсказки и мне довольно понравился квест. Девушка админ - супер и атмосфера приятная

Kartta treasure hunt playroom Viro

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