Было интересно, но не страшно. Не используйте логику, она не поможет)
Üks lahedamaid põgenemistubasid, kus olen käinud. Tore, et oli kasutatud teistmoodi lähenemist, ning ühtegi tabalukku ei tulnud ette.
Very nice experience for a quite experienced group. Good and clever details. Strong recommendation for this room!
Väga põnev ja huvitav aegaveetmine!!! Paneb loogikat töötama. Soovitam . Kindlasti tulen veel )))
Всем понравилось....было здорово....жаль что в ида вирумаа так мало квестов
Молодым людям в возврасте 16-17 лет очень понравилось...хоть прошли с подсказками но вышли все на эмоциях...Квест был одним из подарков на день рожденье ...получился необычным и увлекательным сюрпризом на днюху.
Очень понравилась комната
It was really amazing! we‘d totally do it again. we can recommend the gravity theme, it was a lot of fun and with some teamwork it‘s solveable. made our day!
Simply the best scape room I've done, It's not cheap but it's totally worth it. Even in the very small details. Such a fun and interesting experience. I really recommend it. Actually I still trapped here so if somebody please can help me I'd appreciate it. Thanks:)
Maybe some of the parts of the process were too illogicaly difficult, or perhaps not very well attached to the story. There's no need to put clues that are not very much connected, we felt like we were asking for help too much
Põnev, loogiline ülesehitus. Neljakesi oli piisavalt tegevust.
Sünnipäevaüritus toimus 14.02.2018 kell 19. Laste vanus 10-13 aastat, kokku oli 12 last. Lastel oli väga põnev, meeldis kõik))) Eriti suured tänud meie toredale juhile Angelinale!
Põnev, arvasin et on hirmsam, aga nuputamist oli. ja viimast ülesannet ei suutnudki lahendada.
Really cool room, would very much recommend it. We had a large group and it was possible to split into smaller teams throughout the game to complete the different tasks. Everything worked well and I liked the fact that the room really felt like it were connected to Da Vinci and his inventions.