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Pakohuoneet · Kharkov

Horror story: the heritage

Kharkov, Ukraina
60 min
2 - 7 pelaajat
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The beginning of the twentieth century! Humanity is on the verge of discoveries that will change the world forever.

Religion and science played a huge role in learning new knowledges and possibilities of Man.

The world pursues the idea of ​​eternity trying to break the ignorance between the spiritual and the material.

January 19, 1907, Alan and his beloved Annabel Lee plan a wedding and dream about a new happy life. It seemed that nothing can prevent their future. But! Three days before the tragedy happened.

Annabel Lee kills herself without leaving anything to indicate the reason for her action.

This incident breaks the heart of poor Alan, and he is left alone only with pain inside him.

Unable to get over the loss, Alan is desperate to return the beloved at any cost!


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Horror story: the heritage

проспект Незалежності, 1, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
Kharkov, Kharkiv, Ukraina

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Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.