60 min | |
4 pelaajaa | |
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa
₴ | |

Machinarium breaks the stereotypes about the standard quest rooms. In 60 minutes you will not take a single step. Only a team of 4 players can play, and only the four will be able to break free from it. Your team is a single living organism that is able to solve a set of logical puzzles, only this will allow you to gradually release all body parts locked up to your chair. There is a pattern in the Machinarium, but there is no familiar logic. Along with a number of consecutive tasks, there are different gears, levers and other mechanisms. If there is a weak link in the team, you will probably not get out. Well, are you ready to play this game?
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вулиця Мироносицька, 82, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
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