Hospital room #6
60 min | |
1 - 4 pelaajat | |
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Oh, are you new? Well, come in. Let's get acquainted, I'm your personal nurse. Hmm, you say, you are no crazy? We had this one here ... although you all say you are not psychos, but after the injections you don't argue anymore. Honestly, not crazy? Well, okay, you seem to be confident. Then I will help. Listen carefully and do not interrupt, while I’ll put your shirt on. Don't move ... So, once there was a patient in your room. He himself was an artist and loved to paint on the walls. He was disliked by the head doctor for that. He was there for a long time, but one day he disappeared. It happened on my watch, but I did not see him coming out. You can try, maybe you'll succeed ... But, he had years to escape ... you only have 60 minutes, so tell your friends the good news. You just need to understand how that psycho disappeared and where is he now. And in an hour the doctor will come, ban your friends, and you will be taken away for procedures. After them you won't run too much ... so hurry. All right, I am tying the last knot on your shirt. Come on, go to the room. Good luck! And remember, 60 minutes!
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