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Pakohuoneet · Kyiv


Kyiv, Ukraina
60 min
2 - 6 pelaajat
Ystävät, Teini-ikäiset
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An almost abandoned monastery is located on the edge of the deep woods int he south part of the city. An old abbey is still inhabited: priests of all races, dressed into red cassocks, live there.

Poor people, possessed by some king of demons, are brought there from all around the world. Only there priests are able to help them, by performing an exorcism.

A month ago a young girl was brought there, and since that, nobody left the monastery...

During nights townspeople couldn't sleep, because of the terrifying screams, coming from that place.

To find out the reason, town elders decide to send a group of monks from the nearest village...


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вулиця Костянтинівська, 21, Київ, Україна, 02000
Kyiv, Kyiv City, Ukraina

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Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.

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Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu

Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.