Etsi ja varaa ulkoilmakokemukset paikassa Lontoo Nowescapessa

787 arvostelua
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Viimeisimmät arvostelut pakohuoneista Lontoo

Joanna G.
09 September 2018

Loved it x loved it x thought the clues were going to be easy but the last couple were not!! Solved the murder and really enjoyed the whole hour xx

The Murder Of J. Conway - Hyde Park
The Murder Of J. Conway -...
Tom A.
25 August 2018

Good! Gives you enough time to not stress but does add pressure. Would recommend for a nice walk out

The Break Out - Hyde Park
The Break Out - Hyde Park
Seetal A.
22 August 2018

My friends and I had a fantastic time- cracked the clues in just the nick of time.

The Break Out - Hyde Park
The Break Out - Hyde Park
Nourin G.
27 July 2018

Perfect combo of exploring Hyde park and finding the clues to solve the mystery.

The Murder Of J. Conway - Hyde Park
The Murder Of J. Conway -...
Thinking B.
02 July 2018

We've been to a lot of escape rooms. We had a really fun night. Would recommend.

Jess W.
05 February 2018

A group of 5 did this and it was our first time doing an escape room. We all spent a good time there. Now we are looking forward to try the other rooms.

Jake W.
01 February 2018

It really was a great team experience! Was challenging and fun. We had to work together and communicate to get out. Already looking to come back again to try another room!

Kartta ulkoilmakokemukset Lontoo

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