Oxford Treasure Tour
Kryptos Hunts

Treasure hunt meets walking tour in this fun way to explore the beautiful and historic city of Oxford. Guiding you past famous landmarks and quirky corners, this hunt will have you learning fascinating facts and discovering interesting sites. Along the way you'll have to solve clues and hunt around for answers in order to follow the trail.
How does it work?
This is a self-guided adventure played using a smartphone or mobile data-enabled tablet. In order to play you'll need the ClueKeeper app which is free to download from the App Store or Google Play. Once you've got the app, you can purchase your chosen hunt from there.
When can I play?
This activity can be enjoyed at anytime.
Lisää uusi arvosteluSijainti
Oxford Treasure Tour
Randolph Hotel, Oxford OX1 2LN, UK
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu
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Ketkä voivat tulla
Vierailijat iältään 16 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 10 - 15 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.
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