Lost room
60 min | |
2 - 5 players | |
Pay on arrival, or pay online
₴ | |

On May 4, 1961, at approximately 13:20, an event took place in room number 10 of Sunshine Motel, which wiped the room and all its contents from “ordinary” space-time. Since then, the room key is able to open any door, and all the objects that were there, acquired various mystical properties.
And so, you were locked in a “lost room”, and you only have an hour to get out, because it intends to keep its secrets at all costs ...
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Lost room
Лопанський провулок, 8, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
Kharkiv Oblast,
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Who can come
Guests aged 12 and up can attend. Guests aged 10 - 11 can attend with adults.