Suspended animation
60 min | |
2 - 6 players | |
Pay on arrival, or pay online
₴ | |
Suspended animation

You are in a state of suspended animation, time is slowing down and the dream seems to be endless ... Solve all the puzzles and riddles or stay in a dream forever ...
This is a new level of quest rooms in Kharkiv! No code locks and usual tasks with little notes. Only colorful decorations, unique mechanical and electronic devices, sounds, special effects!
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Suspended animation
вулиця Героїв Праці, 9, Харків, Харківська область, Україна, 61000
Kharkivs'ka city council,
Kharkiv Oblast,
Availability and prices
Dafi mall, 3d flour
What else need to know
Who can come
Guests aged 13 and up can attend. Guests aged 8 - 12 can attend with adults.