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Квесты · Лондон

Trapped Undercover

Лондон, Великобритания
Star 5 (1)
0 мин
2 - 6 игроков
Средние по сложности
Подходит для визита:
Парой, С семьей, С друзьями
Необыкновенные, Приключенческие, Соревновательные
Оплата на месте, или онлайн


MI6's Intelligence Division has recruited you to assist with a highly sensitive case. The clock is ticking and it's important you don't fail. The security of the nation is at risk, we can't stress this enough. Intel has come in that there's a double agent in your ranks that has stolen national secrets. Enter Trapped Undercover, an MI6 surveillance van, where you will have all of MI6's resources at your fingertips.

You have sixty minutes to identify the double agent before they escape the country. With only your team and MI6's secure surveillance van to aid you, you're the only hope of stopping information getting into the wrong hands.

Trapped Undercover is an immersive spy-hunt experience unlike any other. This live-action thriller will keep you on your toes for a adrenaline filled hour of immersive interaction, puzzle-solving and surveillance.

Отзывы игроков

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Часто задаваемые вопросы


What should I wear?

For this experience, you will be locked in our undercover van. For this reason, we recommend wearing comfortable, loose clothing. We operate a strict no heels policy.

How long is it?

This depends on how smart you are! If you do not find all the clues and solve the puzzles that unlock the door within 60 minutes, you will fail the room. Allow one and half hours for the entire game for instruction time and a solution explanation.

Can I participate if I am pregnant?

Due to the limited space, we do not recommend this experience for heavily pregnant women.

Those who do participate do so at their own risk.

Are mobile phones permitted?

Mobile phones are not allowed to be used in the room. The use of electronic devices or any outside tools are strictly prohibited and you will immediately be removed from the game if you attempt to use them.

What is the minimum age?

You must be 14 years or older to participate. Participants under 18 years of age should have a parent or guardian with them.

The game may be customised for younger players but this must be in a private session with all 6 spaces booked. We ask groups with young players contact us ahead of time to organise age appropriate clues.

What happens if I arrive late?

The door to the room closes exactly at the time you signed up for. Please arrive 30 minutes early to make sure you are there before the room is locked. You will not be permitted into the room if you are late. There are no refunds for late arrivals.

What's your cancellation policy?

We regret that tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase.


Trapped Undercover

E20 1DU London, United Kingdom
Ньюэм, Лондон, Greater London, Англия, Великобритания

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Участвовать могут гости в возрасте 14.

Расписание и цены

Этот оператор не является официальным партнёром Nowescape и игра не доступна для бронирования. Чтобы забронировать игру, пройдите на сайт оператора или попробуйте найти другой квест поблизости.