The Case That JACK Built
60 min | |
2 - 5 pelaajat | |
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa
€ | |
Fourfront Games

Calling himself JACK, a serial killer has been taunting the Gardaí with encrypted letters. After two years of investigations the Gardaí are no closer to uncovering JACK's true identity and have contacted Interpol to assist.
Can you solve the killer's puzzles and follow the clues to catch JACK before he strikes again?
*Teams of 2-5. Ages 14+
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The Case That JACK Built
3 Hillside Rd, Killincarrig, Greystones, Co. Wicklow, A63 WV30, Ireland
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Ketkä voivat tulla
Vierailijat iältään 18 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 14 - 17 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.