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Pakohuoneet · Dubai

JM's Office

Dubai, Arabiemiirikunnat
Star 4.94 (4)
Prove JM’s innocence and find your way out
60 min
3 - 5 pelaajat
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa

HintHunt Dubai


A crime scene investigation where a private detective (JM) has found a dead body in his office and he has been wrongly accused of murder. The police have sealed off the office and you have managed to gain access to the crime scene.

You only have one hour to find the evidence and clues to wind up with case, prove JM’s innocence and find your way out of the locked room!


4 arvostelua
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Lisää uusi arvostelu
Dominic T.
01 March 2018

Completely recommend! I went to JM's Office as part of a team away day after it was suggested by some college friends and I absolutely loved it. We have done a few escape rooms around London before but this one was definitely a bit different and it up there as one of my favourites.

Grace J.
15 February 2018

Went with a group of five and really enjoyed ourselves. Made it out in 54 minutes. Great escape experience.

05 February 2018

This was our first visit and won't be the last! Throughly enjoyed the experience. Great setting and staff. Can't wait to visit the other rooms.

Luke M.
02 February 2018

This was certainly the most exciting escape room I have ever played. Highly recommended!!


JM's Office

Times Square Center - 4 B St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Dubai, Dubai, Arabiemiirikunnat

Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu

Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.

Mitä muuta tulisi tietää

Ketkä voivat tulla

Vierailijat iältään 15 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 8 - 14 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.

Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu

Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.