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Pakohuoneet · Dubai

Zen Rooms

Dubai, Arabiemiirikunnat
Star 4.94 (4)
Unfold the secrets, solve the crime and escape
60 min
3 - 5 pelaajat
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa

HintHunt Dubai


A journey to the heart of Tokyo, you and your team alongside private investigator James Murdock have been contacted by Miss Miharu about a robbery that has taken place in one of her many properties. A cruel and spiteful uncle that has torn her family apart is at the center of the mystery. Locked inside, you will have to home into all of your investigational skills to unfold the secrets, solve the crime and escape out of the locked room all in one hour!


4 arvostelua
Teknologian käyttö
Rahalle vastinetta
Lisää uusi arvostelu
Callum L.
23 February 2018

Really impressed - very well run room and lots of fun for all ages. Staffs were really helpful and cheery.

Benjamin B.
15 February 2018

Would recommend. Good exercise for the team.

Zorad K.
12 February 2018

We four friends were in a team and we were so excited since the mission was to solve a crime. From the very beginning we started to feel like a crime investigator. Brilliant and immersive story. The staffs were helpful too. Though it was kinda tough to solve the crime only in 1 hour but totally worth it.

Savannah T.
07 February 2018

Amazing escape room, Both fun and challenging at a time. Surely recommended.


Zen Rooms

Times Square Center - 4 B St - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Dubai, Dubai, Arabiemiirikunnat

Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu

Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.

Mitä muuta tulisi tietää

Ketkä voivat tulla

Vierailijat iältään 15 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 8 - 14 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.

Vapaat ajat ja hinnoittelu

Tämä palveluntarjoaja ei ole Nowescapen virallinen kumppani. Tehdäksesi varauksen, ole hyvä ja siirry palveluntarjoajan nettisivuilletaitoiseen vapaana olevaan pakohuoneeseen alueellasi.