Etsi ja varaa pakohuoneet paikassa Harjumaa Nowescapessa

Viimeisimmät arvostelut pakohuoneista Harjumaa

Mette M.
12 July 2023

It was a very fun experience! Everything was done really cool and it felt very real. Everything was logical. But it was a bit creepy as well, But I really enjoyed it. But We had to Ask for a tee clues, But it was very fun!

Kerstin M.
12 July 2023

The atmosphere was well done, in theme with the subject and enjoyable to all of our party members. 4 people was a perfect number of people to do the quest.

11 July 2023

Our GM was super friendly ja professional. We felt warmly welcomed. The game was a lot fun and atmospheric. Highly recommend!

10 July 2023

We chose psychiatric hospital. It was not easy, some tasks were "hard level" but we have 100% fun ????????????

08 July 2023

Было круто , нам с детьми понравилось прохождение квеста. До сих пор под впечатлениями. Придём к вам ещё обязательно

Ville J.
07 July 2023

The theme was excellent. Remember to relax and take your time. Claustrophobic people should not go to this room. Very good escape room for couples.

Cecilia E.
06 July 2023

Visited this room with our two kids (7 and 11) and we all had very fun. Some tasks were easy and some more tricky, this was a perfect room for a family or if you like a medium difficult experience.

Kaikki pakohuoneet Harjumaa

Kartta pakohuoneet Harjumaa

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Selaile satoja pakohuoneita ja muita jännittäviä pelejä ja löydä täydellinen aktiviteetti seuraavaa seikkailuasi varten.


Valitse vain milloin haluat pelata, valitse kuinka monta pelaajaa haluat mukaan ja varauksesi vahvistetaan välittömästi.


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