Breaking the law
60 min | |
2 - 5 pelaajat | |
Maksa saapuessasi tai maksa verkossa
£ | |
Exciting Escapes

The year is 1977, international tension is fierce and British Intelligence cannot allow government secrets to fall into the wrong hands! They believe that Detective Inspector Monroe, of the Metropolitan Police, has been providing foreign powers with intel.
The catch? The evidence is in his Police Station – they just need you to break in and find it…
[Please note - there is some effort required at low levels in this room which might require a moderate amount of physical effort]
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Breaking the law
100 Shirley High St, Southampton SO16 4FB, UK
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
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Ketkä voivat tulla
Vierailijat iältään 14 ja vanhemmat voivat osallistua. Vierailijat iältää 10 - 13 voivat osallistua aikuisen seurassa.