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Квестов - недавние отзывы в Таллине

10 Марта 2019

Thank you to the claustrophobia team for a great evening spent in orbit! A really great game with the right mix of red herrings to really get you thinking. A brilliant start to our holiday. Well worth a visit.

10 Марта 2019

Sai sünnipäeva tähistamiseks proovitud ja oli täitsa positiivne kogemus.

10 Марта 2019

Väga tore mängujuht. 5+

10 Марта 2019

This is a very very cool experience. First, this is the only escape room venue I've been to that has resident cays on the premises. Just adds a certain flair to the whole experience ;)! The Conjuring is scary, but manageable. Personally, I definitely have a very low tolerance for scary rooms, and while I screamed a few times amd was pretty scared, it was very doable. I'd recommend it if you're on the fence due to the horror element. We were only two, so larger groups would possibly find it even a bit less scary. I really liked the puzzles and the flow - everything seemed to fit together nicely and there was constantly something happening. Definitely a recommended experience!!

10 Марта 2019

The Interview by Affect Laboratories is one of those rooms that every escape room enthusiast must do at some point. It stands in a league of its own in terms of immersion, technology, scale and innovation. This room is very different from the average escape room, and while there may be some elements that are a bit tricky (the lack of control for the players in terms of gameplay for example), it is an absolutely must do experience. We did this room with just two of us, which is doable, but not ideal. Three people is likely an ideal number. Definitely recommended for everyone, don't even hesitate =)!!

10 Марта 2019

Gravity is a very well executed space-themed room. The decor is completely on point, the puzzles are diverse (although likely not very challenging for a group of more experienced escape room players), and the Finale is just out of this world ;)!! The game masters are all super friendly and happy to explain anything unclear or just chat after the game. We had a ton of fun as two experienced players and would recommend this room for anyone that doesn't suffer from motion sickness ;)!

10 Марта 2019

Very fun room with challenging puzzles, great decor and nice use of technology! We did this room as a couple of experienced enthusiasts and barely managed to get out in time! It was really challenging (in a good way!) and well designed. Fully automated with basically no locks. We'd recommend it to either enthusiasts or larger groups of beginners. The location has some other rooms as well, which we haven't tried.

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